BioNutrix Wellness Invites You To Participate In Its Educational Workshops – Project
“We provide true meaning to our life, by seeking health and happiness, above pleasure.”
– Augusto Agostini-Chapel, Ph. D.

12 Topics That Are Pillars of “Constructive Health”
- The 4 Human Energy Levels
- The Four Macronutrients (Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates and Water) and the Food of the ‘Hunter, Fisherman and Gatherer Man’ (Paleolithic Age)
- ‘Formula 444’ (The Physiological Priorities of the Human Being)
- The Importance of Disease Prevention
- The Immune System: The ‘Guard-Barrier’ of Our Health and Its Important Relationship with Our Gastrointestinal Tract (“Our Gut”)
- Supplementing Daily with the Essential Mineral Salts – Which are Vital for the Function and Health of Our Cells – Stimulate the Self-Healing Natural Process of the Body
- Chronic Inflammation: Main Cause of Chronic Diseases
- Oxidative Stress: Leading Factor of Premature Aging
- Insulin Resistance / Metabolic Syndrome
- Foods versus Edibles / “Ultra Processed” Edibles
- The Importance of Nutritional Supplementation
- LogoTherapy : The Psychology / Philosophy where we find meaning in life by responding authentically and humanely (that is, meaningfully) to life’s challenges.