(A ‘Three-Tier’ Passive Income – Generation System)

Our Affiliate Sales Program allows individuals to receive a commission on any sale made through their referrals to our website. In other words, as an independent vendor, you lead potential buyers to the ‘BioNutrix Wellness’ online sales website and receive payment when these consumers purchase products from our excellent line of functional nutrition supplements featured on our website (https: / /www.BioNutrixWellness.com). If your referred buyer (or yourself) makes a purchase, ‘BioNutrix Wellness’ handles the transaction and shipping and then pays you a sales commission as the referring Affiliate.
In addition, as an Affiliate, you can invite others to join our Affiliate Program as ‘1st-Generation Sub-Affiliates’ (‘2nd-Tier’) and receive compensation for the sales they produce. But that does not stop there, you as an Affiliate will also receive compensation for the sales generated by your ‘2nd-Generation Sub-Affiliates’ (‘3rd-Tier’). All commissions are recurring, providing a lucrative lifetime income for both you and your ‘1st-Generation Sub-Affiliates’ and ‘2nd-Generation Sub-Affiliates’, without ever (neither you nor they) having to maintain an inventory of products. Also, All Our Products have FREE SHIPPING !!
The ‘BioNutrix Wellness’ Affiliate Program offers you the opportunity to earn significant income – for life – by selling the highest quality nutritional supplements on the market – such as our functional formulations.
It is important that you know that you will NOT incur any membership fees or any other expenses to become and remain our Affiliate, nor do we require any college education and / or sales experience. We provide educational training in Functional Nutrition ‘online’ – completely ‘free’. You can also track your sales and know your commissions just by accessing our ‘online’ section only for ‘Affiliates’.
‘The check is in your e-mail’
The disbursements of all your sales commissions – a result of your three levels of compensation – are electronically deposited monthly into your PayPal account (if you do not have a PayPal account, You can set one up at www.PayPal.com ; be sure to use the same e-mail address that you used during the registration process as an Affiliate.
We should clarify that Our Affiliate Program with Three Levels of Compensation… is NOT a Multi-Level Marketing Organization (“MLM” or “Multi-Level Marketing”). With us, you DO NOT pay to join and you DO NOT have anything to buy to receive Commissions.
- Opportunity to join our company as an ‘Independent Sales Contractor’ (‘Affiliate’) and be able to market and sell our 50 excellent nutritional supplements, with more new products to be added soon. You will be ready to do so – as soon as you complete and submit your ‘Affiliate’ application to us. And then, you just simply need to encourage people to visit and shop on our website (http://www.BioNutrixWellness.com).
- ‘BioNutrix Wellness’ Affiliate Program offers you recurring commissions with lifetime earnings. This means that you will keep earning a commission for each purchase your customers make, as long as your customers continue to buy our products through you. The Affiliate’s 25% Sales Commission will also be payable to you on your own product purchases, so you could even buy from us and sell our products directly to your customers (with the sole condition that you don’t sell the product at a higher price than its regular price that appears on our website).
- You will have the continuous ability to REGISTER an unlimited number of Sub-Affiliates (of two Generations) and also earn money with the result of all of their sales, thus obtaining lucrative recurring commissions ‘for life’.
- You will enjoy the benefit of being able to easily educate your customers about all of our nutritional products – which are for sale ‘online’ – simply by inviting them to visit our educational and comprehensive bilingual website… in Spanish and English (http: / /www.BioNutrixWellness.com) and our YouTube Video Channel (http://www.SaludTelevisión.com). In fact, the videos, audios and written information that the public finds on our Website and Video Channel – offer extensive (and easily understandable) nutritional education on the most important and common health conditions that afflict our society and on the functional-nutritional supplements that we offer to assist consumers to face them.
- You will also get free educational training, including: company ‘blogs’, forums via TV, Radio and the Internet, as well as newsletters from us – a leading company in formulating and marketing nutritional supplements with more than two decades (since 1997) of experience in the development and commercialization of this type of natural products. Furthermore, we will help our Affiliates and Sub-Affiliates to access the ‘Constructive Health’ courses at Christian Health University.
- All new members (Sub-Affiliates of the two generations) recruited through you as our ‘Affiliate’ – will always be linked to your exclusive Special Identification Code (‘SIC’ ).
- You will be paid commissions for your sales on a regular basis (monthly) through your PayPal account (including your own purchases) as an Affiliate, as well as for the sales of your Sub-Affiliates (the people you’ve promoted) – both of your 1st-Generation (‘2nd-Tier’) and of your 2nd-Generation (‘3rd-Tier’).
- You will be able to check at any time – ‘online’ 24/7 – your own sales as an Affiliate and the sales of your Sub-Affiliates of the two generations, that is, your 1st-Generation (‘2nd-Tier’) and of your 2nd-Generation (‘3rd-Tier’).
- You have NO cost or obligation with ‘BioNutrix Wellness’ – and if you wish, you can leave us at any time (although we doubt that you’ll leave us, because WITH US,YOU ALWAYS WIN and NEVER LOSE).
You can create your own sales organization, becoming your own “CEO”, because when you register other people to become Affiliates through our website, they will be permanently linked to your Special Identification Code (‘SIC’ ), which will make them Sub-Affiliates of your account.
Besides getting 25% Commission on all sales generated directly by you (including your own purchases) – when your Sub-Affiliates generate sales, you will earn an additional 5% Commission from the sales of your 1st-Generation Sub-Affiliates (‘2nd-Tier’), as well as you’ll also get 2% Commission as a result of the sales of your 2nd-Generation Sub-Affiliates (‘3rd-Tier’). And you’ll also enjoy the selling advantage that the Shipping Of All Products To Our Customers is ‘Gratis’… IT’S FREE !!
You have NO limit on the number of Sub-Affiliates you can enroll, but because we are NOT a multi-level marketing company (MLM), our Affiliate Sales Program does not go beyond our ‘Three Levels of Compensation’ or “3rd-Tier” (that is, it is limited to your ‘Personal Sales’ and the sales of your 1st and 2nd Generation Sub-Affiliates).
We also offer free educational training on Functional Nutrition to our Affiliates, as well as guidance on advertising and on methods to increase your ‘sales to visitors’ ratio to our website and offer articles and training from top online sellers to help make grow your Affiliate business at ‘BioNutrix Wellness’.
Develop ‘ Your Own Organization’, and Enjoy Our Three Lucrative and Recurrent Levels of Compensation : 25% + 5% + 2%
Example of Our Compensation Structure for Affiliates
If you as an Affiliate have $ 4,000.00 in monthly ‘Personal Sales’, you will earn a net monthly commission of 25% of that amount, which is equal to $ 1,000.00 per month. But to these earnings, you will add the ‘passive income’ generated by the sales efforts of the network of followers (Sub-Affiliates) you are able to organize under your leadership. Let’s see how lucrative your organization could turn out to be for you.
If as the ‘Affiliate’ in your organization, you have twenty (20) ‘1st-Generation Sub-Affiliates’ (‘2nd-Tier’), and sixty (60) ‘2nd-Generation Sub-Affiliates’ (‘3rd-Tier’) – and each of them generates $ 1,000.00 per month in their sales, you as the ‘Affiliate’ would also earn 5% monthly commission from the sales of your ‘1st-Generation Sub-Affiliates’ (‘2nd-Tier’)’, which would add $ 1,000.00 (which is the result of $ 20,000.00 multiplied by 5%) to your monthly commissions equation. On the other hand, from the sixty (60) ‘2nd-Generation Sub-Affiliates’ in your organization (with sales of $ 1,000.00 per month each), you as the ‘Affiliate’ will also receive 2% Commission for their sales, which would be equivalent to an additional $ 1,200.00 ( = 60 x $ 1,000.00 x 2%).
So, in this example, you as the ‘Affiliate’ would earn $ 1,200.00 in your first level of compensation, plus $ 1,000.00 in your second level of compensation (2nd-Tier ”), in addition to $ 1,200.00 in your third level of compensation (“ 3rd-Tier ” ). This means that based on this example, you would receive an excellent total Net Compensation of $ 3,200.00 monthly.
EThis position as an ‘Affiliate’ (independent sales contractor) of ‘BioNutrix Wellness’ will allow you not only to live more comfortably financially speaking, but you will also be able to enjoy complete freedom with your time, avoiding the stress of having to appear daily to a workplace (9 to 5, five days a week) – with its usual problems.
At ‘BioNutrix Wellness’, YOU WILL BE YOUR OWN BOSS or “CEO”, and you will have a lot of people ‘generating commissions’ for you, 24/7 all year, even you’re sleeping !
DISCLAIMER (“Disclaimer”)
‘BioNutrix Wellness’ does not guarantee that you will achieve the results described above, because there are several factors beyond our control, such as market supply and demand, the scope of your website (if you have one) and the amount and type of ads you can run to promote your ‘BioNutrix Wellness’ Affiliate Program and, of course, as a direct result of the amount of work, time and effort you can invest in promoting our website and in recruiting Sub-Affiliates.
You are in this business by yourself, but you are not alone, as we will support you at all times. However, you are responsible for paying all taxes generated by your sales as an ‘independent contractor’. We take care of all orders and shipments, while providing FREE SHIPPING to all our customers ; for your part, what you must do is to persistently and enthusiastically promote people to visit and buy on our ‘BioNutrix Wellness’ website.